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Gourmet Partners

Gourmet Partners assist speciality food producers to launch their brands in international markets


Gourmet Partners


Event Management at international trade show


Splat Marketing & PR has many years experience with event management, organising trade and consumer events both in the UK and overseas.

Gourmet Partners works with speciality food producers to provide them with export sales help. They approached Splat Marketing & PR to work on a project to help launch four speciality food brands internationally at ISM, the world’s largest bakery and confectionery fair.  


Splat Marketing & PR provided support before, during and after the show.

  • Administration contact, ensuring all paperwork was completed to assist with stand build, health & safety compliance etc. Liaison with show organisers, stand contractors
  • Pre-show marketing including design of an enewsletter, promotional print
  • At the show, Splat Marketing & PR helped to man the stand, meeting buyers, answering their queries, promoting the brands and taking sales leads
  • To gain maximum exposure at the event dual sites for the brands was negotiated and also featured in buyers’ hospitality area
  • Assist with stand build, breakdown
  • After the show, Splat Marketing & PR provided administration support with follow up of sales leads
  • Press story created regarding Gourmet Partners’ success at the show which was featured in leading speciality food magazines 

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