South Caernarfon Creameries
South Caernarfon Creameries
Website relaunch with SEO copywriting
Splat Marketing & PR provides marketing and PR support for South Caernarfon Creameries, Wales’ leading and oldest farming co-operative. The creamery decided that their corporate website required updating to better reflect the business.
Splat Marketing & PR produced an audit of the current website, competitor benchmarking and draft site map for client consideration. Once agreed, Splat Marketing & PR then prepared a design brief that was issued to a selected number of agencies. Presentations were arranged with the agencies and the successful agency appointed. Splat Marketing & PR was the key contact for liaison with the agency, and project managed the delivery of the new website. Additionally, photography briefs, layout suggestions and the preparation of SEO rich copy for the 40 page website was provided.
The project was delivered ahead of scheduled.
The website has been well received with many favourable comments from co-operative members. Web traffic has significantly increased and Splat Marketing & PR continues to offer support and monitoring including analysis of the site’s Google Analytics.